Physical Therapy, Acupuncture

Health Options Center for Wellness

Adrienne Thomason, PT, Ac

Jin Shin Jyutsu
Physical Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy

203 804-1209

Jin Shin Jyutsu, Acupuncture

I believe it is important to offer the type of therapeutic approach that incorporates body, mind, and the deeper aspects of self for the highest potential of health and healing.

The primary treatment modalities I use in a typical session include:

Jin Shin Jyutsu: The art of harmonizing and balancing the universal life force in the body, facilitated through touch. Blocks to optimal health are found through body reading and organ pulse reading to discern the hands on flow patterns to utilize and restore the body to it’s natural state of well being.

Acupuncture: Uses Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) knowledge of the organ flows and special energy flows in the body. These flows are like rivers in the body that can at times run excessively, or begin to dwindle in their flow causing disease and disharmony in the body. Using the diagnostics of TCM, acupuncture needles are placed to balance these flows.

Gentle Manual Therapies: This includes craniosacral therapy (removing tension patterns that effect the neural tissues in the body); myofascial release (allowing the sheath that covers all muscles and organs in the body to move and interface smoothly and freely); muscle energy technique (restoring balance and quanta to the joint spaces for balanced and pain free articulation and movement), strain/counterstain utilizing positions of ease to allow the body to unwind and find the natural positions of balance, and visceral organ work.

To schedule an appointment call 203 453-6357. I look forward to assisting you in health and restoring balance to your body.

Aspirations for the future:
To incorporate my love of sailing and the water with my work, with the specifics of how this will look to unfold.

Reiki Energy Healing