Each game is played for four consecutive weeks Next round Begins May 7th.

Keeping Score

A perfect day is worth 100 points, which include:

  • 30 meal points: earn points by making healthy choices and enjoying 4-5 small meals a day
  • See the portion sizes section within this list of rules to learn what a sanctioned meal consists of
  • 20 exercise points: earn these points by doing some form of exercise for a minimum of 20 minutes daily
  • 10 water points by drinking 2-3 liters of water
  • Avoid all other forms of liquid (no juices, NO diet soda etc)
  • One cup of coffee is ok if you must; herbal teas are allowed (avoid full fat dairy, artificial dairy creamers, artificial sweeteners…)
  • 15 sleep points by sleeping a minimum of 7 hrs nightly
  • 20 transformation points: 10 points by practicing a new healthy habit and 10 points for eliminating an old, unhealthy one
  • You must pick one good habit to adopt at the start of the game and pick one bad habit to give up
  • 5 communication points by being in contact with one teammate and/or one opponent daily


  • Each week, you get one “meal off” in addition to one “day off” (they may not be saved and carried over to the next week)
  • With your “meal off”, you may eat whatever you like including one portion of alcohol without having to take on any penalty points
  • This means you could eat your proper meals throughout the day and enjoy a nice dinner out consisting of whatever you want without losing points for that day
  • The “day off” means that you do not lose points for not eating properly, not exercising, not drinking enough water, not sleeping enough, not keeping up with your transformation points or communications points, and you may (safely ) consume alcohol freely without penalty
  • Note: be careful with your transformation points, especially if it is something as important as quitting smoking etc – you don’t want to lose all your good work by smoking on your “day off” but it is allowed once a week
  • When you are keeping track of your points on the score sheet, these exceptions count as free points. Give yourself full credit for these points during your “meal off” and “day off”

Bonus points:

  • You may earn a 20% bonus of your entire week’s points by attending a Get Fit Guilford! Workshop (if available) that week – if the workshop is an exercise class, you get points for exercising that day and the bonus points for attending a workshop!
  • You may earn 10 bonus points at the end of each week by turning in your score to the scorekeeper by the designated time that your team selects at the beginning of play (this is added in the end and is not part of your 20% overall bonus if you attend a health workshop)